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SEO Killed Internet Democracy: The Republic of Authority Reigns

August 20, 2009 John 2

Internet democracy has fallen to the same forces that often make it an unstable political system. Will the new republic deliver the content that surfers want without making the web too predictable? How can webmasters and SEOs adapt to the constantly changing world of online promotion and traffic building?

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Keyword Competition Analysis – Paid Links vs Social Bookmarks

August 20, 2009 John 4

August 2009 – Google’s latest algorithm seems to disrupt long-standing search results and the quality of the SERPs is in question. When analyzing the top spots for some of my target keyword phrases, I’m slightly surprised to find that paid links seem to dominate and social bookmarks drag URLs down.

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Nofollow does not Conserve Pagerank

July 20, 2009 John 2

Not only is nofollow unable to fight spam and messing up the value of links on the web, its not even conserving pagerank like most webmasters thought it was. Matt Cutts recently shocked the SEO world by announcing nofollow destroys link juice rather than conserving it and keeping it internal.

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Indexed and Ranking Again

June 30, 2009 John 0

After some downtime, URLs are beginning to get re-indexed and search engine positions are returning to their old locations. Downtime may be a big set back, but it isn’t the total end of a website’s marketing position.

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For SEO, Downtime Does Matter

June 24, 2009 John 1

The effects of downtime on SEO have been debated and denied, but there’s certainly a long term consequence for extended service interruptions.

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Shared vs Unique IP on Shared Hosting – Initial Results

April 23, 2009 John 6

About a week and a half after transferring my sites to a unique IP address, the immediate SEO results have been significant. Here is a summary of the results I’ve seen so far and some more information about obtaining a unique IP address for shared hosting accounts.

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10 Min Email

March 28, 2009 John 2

What is this 10 minute mail and why do I keep getting their search engine traffic? Learn about a great email resource for webmasters and how it became my own personal SEO experiment. Hopefully, this will fix some search engine results for the gain of everyone involved.

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Pagerank goes on a wild ride

March 24, 2009 John 3

March 23, 2009 – The Google pagerank toolbar is showing strange results and hints of an update, but the fluctations are too wild to draw any conclusions yet. Instead of obsessing over the latest hints, I’m going to use the time to write a blog post!

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Blame the New Google Algorithm?

March 10, 2009 John 4

Apparently, I’m not the only one who has noticed a significant decline in traffic and search engine rankings recently. What I had originally assumed a consequence of my inactivity may also be related to a new Google algorithm that seems, initially, to favor large name-brands more than it once did.

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Standing Still in Sinking Sand

March 3, 2009 John 2

The temptation to sit back and watch profitable websites “take care of themselves” can be strong – but from my experience, the sand castles built of search engine positioning are sitting on top of a sinking foundation. Stand still for too long – and you might find yourself buried by new competition.