SEO – The Reality is Staggering
How do we learn what really works in SEO, and can we handle the reality of the situation when its staring us in the face? Its time to get busy building links like you’ve never done before…
How do we learn what really works in SEO, and can we handle the reality of the situation when its staring us in the face? Its time to get busy building links like you’ve never done before…
If you’re trying to sign up for the forum, don’t sit around waiting for a confirmation email. The current server set up won’t ever actually send it 🙁 For now, you’ll just have to wait and participate on the blog!
I try to be patient with comments and even reward valuable ones, but when the line gets crossed, Akismet is there to spare myself AND other legit bloggers from the annoyance of awful comments.
A quick update to the Anhosting Coupon page – a new coupon is available for fall of 2009 to provide 25% off any new hosting purchase.
The file sharing debate is heating up in the UK, with musicians lining up on both sides of the controversial plan to restrict internet access for those caught downloading and sharing unauthorized music files. In response, I’m giving away some of the songs my own band recorded “Back in the day.”
Sometimes fixing a Google penalty is easy, and sometimes you can’t even find a clue to help you rank higher. My experience with page twenty just keeps getting worse and worse.
Theme options and functions can over-ride your site’s plugins. If it so happens that your dofollow plugin doesn’t work, these steps may help fix the blog comments to include or exclude the attributes you want to edit.
If you’re trying to sign up for hosting with Dreamhost, be aware of this potential problem with using a coupon or promo code – and how to fix it.
Comment factors other than external links can still hurt the search engine status of your popular blog posts.
Bloggers need to keep a close eye on the comment links they allow to be published. Bad links can reflect poorly on your sites, for both surfers and search engine bots alike.
Digg’s latest move to make upcoming story links set to “nofollow” won’t do much to address the problems with the site. It certainly hasn’t done anything to improve the quality of upcoming links… Instead, the front page is controlled by a few users and a few domains – and if you happen to become popular with submissions from outside of the white listed sites you may be at risk for a ban.
Seeing the CEO of an affiliate partner suddenly reminds me how important media saturation is – even offline marketing for a primarily online service.
What is the intent of your advertising campaign? Do your ads make the sale, or bring in questions from potential customers, or does the point of the message just get lost in the delivery?
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