FriendFeed or LifeStream?
Why I’m avoiding FriendFeed and promoting LifeStream.fm instead. A little bit about liveblogging from a marketing perspective and why you can’t afford to ignore the development of this newest form of social media.
Why I’m avoiding FriendFeed and promoting LifeStream.fm instead. A little bit about liveblogging from a marketing perspective and why you can’t afford to ignore the development of this newest form of social media.
Credits for the people who did the really hard work and a brief explanation of the steps I took to modify Defusion to this current form
It should be no surprise that blogs came to dominate internet activity and search results. In the originally popularized blog form, they were a source of link and personal networking with no rivals – and a method of interaction that was information and easy.
If you’ve got a website that’s been around a while, chances are you’ve got some old outdated links pointing to pages on your website that don’t exist anymore, or have been moved. Always make sure to use 301 URL redirects to “fix” these broken links, or if you ever need to rename or delete an old page.
Yes, you can make money with free website hosting – here are a few services that will help you get started publishing and earning money online without spending a cent out of your pocket.
Sitepoint thinks there is a problem with the blogging link economy – and they publish this on a blog that doesn’t allow pings, trackbacks, or comment links.
Is there a Bubble Version 2.0 popping? It probably won’t be as severe as the first internet bubble, but Yahoo and Adbrite are showing us that the coming round will be about saving costs and raising profits – not about insane investment deals and lavish executive salaries
Why have I set up Wordpress to organize posts by category? Why use a static front page? A little bit about the benefits and problems of this particular categorical organization
Want to build a website but you think it might be too hard, confusing, or just time consuming? Blogs are the quickest and easiest way to build a new website from scratch. Don’t worry about the technical issues too much – just be sure you have some fresh and unique content to offer.
Millenials are a huge demographic in the online world, but they can be skeptical and cynical of advertising. Is it overexposure to marketing or simply a lack of disposable income? Here’s how to deal with the biggest generation to go online.
Why it is important to add value for your potential customers – how to stand out in a crowd of internet advertisers and marketers. Generate conversions by thinking about the customer and not the sale.
Why build a blog for your website? Or why should you build a blog as your main website like I’ve done here? Learn more about blogging by reading the benefits here.
Google now recognizes the number of posts and authors on forum URLs. What does this mean in terms of SEO?
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