Articles of incorporation

Pros and Cons of Incorporating a Web Business

August 25, 2018 John 0

Having run web businesses as both a sole proprietor and as the owner of a small corporation, I’d like to share some of the pros and cons associated with each approach. What’s best for your business, however, will depend on your unique circumstances and legal needs.

Bears vs unicorns in the most epic investor battle of 2018

Market Bears go Unicorn Hunting

August 22, 2018 John 0

As the unicorn population grows, so too does the number of bearish investors who are skeptical of the current market’s sustainability. If MoviePass can become nearly worthless over the span of a few weeks, what does that tell us about the fate of Uber, Lyft, and other app-based disruptive services that have generated a lot of hype and investment – without turning any profits?