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Confirmed: Publication Date Effects Search Standing

February 9, 2015 John 0

A quick experiment has confirmed what was already suspected – that the publication date on a piece of content can have a large influence on how that content ranks in the search engines. With no other changes, a one-year difference in publishing date seems to correlate with about two and a half pages worth of search ranks.

Content Freshness and Speed for SEO

February 7, 2015 John 0

The fundamental foundation of good SEO hasn’t changed: before your site can even be considered you need a web server that provides safe and swift content delivery. You also need up to date content! Only after these factors are in place can one start to look at crossing the gap to the top few search spots.

Dreamhost web hosting

Dreamhost Coupon 2015

February 7, 2015 John 0

2015 is just about here and as always, it is a great time to expand your online publishing to include more hosting for more domains and more traffic! Click here to get the biggest discounts provided by Dreamhost in 2015 – with no restrictions!