Comments on: Omnis Hosting – Omnis Coupon News and guides for online business Tue, 10 Feb 2015 01:51:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: John at Website Building biz Mon, 08 Aug 2011 15:50:22 +0000 Ah thanks for the heads up. Yeah, a lot of coupons can expire and it is tough to keep up with them. However, I did find a new one so this is now updated for August 2011. Let me know if you have any further issues!

By: Tech Blogger Mon, 08 Aug 2011 13:39:12 +0000 Haha I tried this code from 3 years ago and it’s no longer valid. It’s a shame though because 20% off is a great discount.

I’m looking for some high performance cloud-based host where my website can burst for a surge in traffic. Omnis Hosting was cheaper and it could have gotten even cheaper 🙂 I’ll look around for some more coupons.

By: Gouri Sun, 27 Feb 2011 05:18:25 +0000 Is this coupon code still active (for cloud hosting)?

John: Far as I know! Let me know if you have any problems
