Comments on: 200 Posts and Stuff for the Readers News and guides for online business Tue, 10 Feb 2015 03:16:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: John at Website Building biz Sat, 21 Nov 2009 21:49:44 +0000 Yup, there’s definitely no linear correlations here… I just spent the last week goofing off with friends and getting sick all over again, yet I’ve made more money from the site than the entire month before >< Go figure? 🙂

By: Business Logos Thu, 19 Nov 2009 12:38:24 +0000 Its not a correct assumption that twice the number of posts will result in twice the amount of revenue, not everything scales and the quality must remain consistent.

By: John at Website Building biz Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:13:46 +0000 I could probably find 100 great reasons to post a whole lot more often, I just can’t manage to find the time for it 🙂 I know subscribers would appreciate it and Google seems to like it too, but I also have a few other blogs to write for and have to find some time to submit articles to directories & other off-site activities to achieve my SEO targets. I’ve got big hopes for Caffeine, it looks like I might be able to spend more time on the writing and less on the promotion, while achieving the same or even a better effect.

By: trade show warrior Sun, 15 Nov 2009 04:07:39 +0000 hey John,
Congrats on hitting 200! I read your blog, in part, because of your seo observations and advice. Unlike most seo “experts”, you don’t just regurgitate “conventional wisdom” but you actually back up what you say (or speculate on)… I’ll be curious to see what I learn in your next 100 posts. 🙂
In any event, no matter what, it seems there will probably always be a lot of “random chaos” out there. Thanks for helping cut through a bit of it.
~ Steve, trade show warrior

By: Sire Sun, 15 Nov 2009 01:04:31 +0000 I think you’re right John that you may have to lift your posting rate a little. I have noticed on my blogs that more posts lead to more traffic, and also the comments depend a lot on the topic the post covers.

I often wondered about forums. I started my own forum awhile back and it’s never really taken off. I know a lot of that has to do with me not promoting it properly, but then I don’t have the time.

By: John at Website Building biz Sat, 14 Nov 2009 17:44:15 +0000 Thanks for the encouragement. Despite the losses in revenue here, I really can’t complain. If I’m averaging about 9 posts a month for $300, its still like $30 for writing a page of whatever I wanted. I’ll take that deal any day!

By: Extreme John Sat, 14 Nov 2009 13:59:56 +0000 Congratulations on your 200th post thats awesome in less than a year!

I hope those earnings go back up and surpass that $500 monthly level and get out of that $300 range.
